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New Unified Physics Structure Model

There are three systems that comprise our physical and cognitive phenomena:

  1. Emotion

  2. Consciousness

  3. Matter

A new paradigm on the systems of emotion and consciousness are outlined in general terms here:


In contrast, the field of physics has a lot of comprehensive documentation regarding the mechanism behind the system of matter. A very broad but short description of this mechanism is outlined brilliantly by John Wheeler’s stipulation of "It from Bit". Of course every physicist knows that "Bit" is information and "It" is the matter created from information. But no physicist yet understands the complete 5-step mechanism behind Wheeler’s stipulation.


It is:


  1. Information is aggregated to create math.

  2. Math is aggregated to create algorithms.

  3. Algorithms are aggregated to create intelligence.

  4. Intelligence is aggregated to create a quantum field.

  5. Quantum field is aggregated (by being quantized and superposed) to create matter.

The Standard Model is roughly 90% correct in regards to just the 5th step mechanism for the system of matter. The model outlined below unifies the Standard Model into a new Unified Field Theory (UFT) to complete the 5th step mechanism. So the information below is only outlining the elements of the Standard Model that are being altered.

Even though that is roughly only 10%, those changes are in critical areas. But the dynamics of this model are still within the Schroedinger and Continuum Framework while unifying:

  • The weak force

  • The strong force

  • Gravity

  • Magnetism

  • Spacetime

  • All the effects attributed to outside postulates of Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

This UFT model is like the Feynman diagrams, which were just mathematical tools and not pictures of reality. In turn, this model is just an elevated visual tool to be a proxy for reality. Physicists agree that what actually occurs in nature is a separate issue from any quantum mechanics physics model. But the UFT is currently still outlined mainly in layman's terms and is now being translated into academic physics terms and equations.

Unified Field Theory (UFT) – Krutz Model

Current TermsUFT Terms
Quantum FieldCompression Plane Wave  (CPW)
Spacetime (Field)Metered Plane Wave Spacetime  (Mspacetime)Dynamic Spiral Coil Spacetime (Dspacetime)
QuarkPositive Atom Particle
ElectronNegative Atom Particle
NeutrinoPositive Photon Particle
PhotonNegative Photon Particle
BosonEquilibrium Photon
Virtual PhotonsMicro Photon Particle (correlating to their emitter)

Definition of a CPW

We define the compression plane wave (CPW) as



where  and  define spatial coordinates in the the CPW and each CPW contains quantized continuous energy states given by . The model stipulates that the CPW form the foundational building blocks for all matter in this cosmos and the rest of the multiverse. The sign convention, positive or negative, attributed to a CPW is defined by the directional propagation of the frequency waves. Therefore, we must then define a disturbance in  by  which will describe the corresponding frequency coordinates in CPW. The resulting sign of the CPW is then given as velocity of  which can be found using non-Euclidian dynamics.


Properties and Mechanics of a CPW

Example of a CPW field with lines drawn on cloth to represent waves.

In their free, uncompressed and unrestricted state, all CPW have no mass and move through each other with no interaction. This is equivalent to a free superconductive type state. Therefore the CPW has no resistance, an infinitesimal small force and high amplitude and velocity.


The most important properties come from a CPW mechanism to self-interact and interact with other CPW. This mechanism facilitates the CPW to compress and become quantized in a localized excitation by folding upon itself in geometric wave shapes.  (This is a microcosm of a protein folding mechanism. And just like in the protein, the self-assembling instructions are encoded in the CPW).

 CPW with the first quantized geometric fold. (The ruled cloth picture is only being used to start communicating concepts. In the future, computer generated models will be used).

Agreed. But I have to use something to start the communication of my concepts. If/when we get to a credible UFT model then the use of computer generated visuals can be employed to be more credible. 

The first quantized fold into a geometric wave shape starts to restrict and constrain the localized package. Thereby increasing resistance to the amplitude and velocity of the CPW in that localized package. This starts the process of increasing the force within the localized package.

CPW starting to propagate into a more complex geometric shape folding.

The next complex geometric fold (like a localized crinkle), further increases the resistance and therefore the force within the CPW. This mechanism produces a definitive magnitude of force. This force is the first level of measurable mass, capable of interaction.   ( Force  =  Resistance  x  Amplitude & Velocity ) 

Side view of CPW continuing to fold into a tighter shape which naturally starts to develop a cosign 'wave-tail' behind the main geometric shape.


The force is further increased as the CPW folds tighter. This is because the tighter the CPW folds the more repulsion there is of the CPW against itself, which further increases the resistance to its own amplitude and velocity. (The internal repulsion of the CPW layers separates the layers from each other). Furthermore, due to the folding mechanism, a long cosign 'wave-tail' develops naturally behind the main front geometric shape.

Side view of the final geometric structure of the CPW brane.


The final CPW geometric structure ('localized crinkle') will be hereafter labeled as a CPW brane. This identical mechanism happens to sixteen separate CPW resulting in sixteen identical CPW branes.

Properties and Mechanics of Particles

Cross-section diagram of the front, straight, sections of eight superposed CPW branes, along with the CPW fields from which the branes are quantized.


When CPW branes start being superposed together, one by one, into a bound state and entangled within a new localized package, they start forming an ellipsoid like shape. (See diagram above of an example of just eight branes superposed already forming an ellipsoide like shape) The superposition of the same directionally propagating CPW branes multiplies (not just adds) the increase in resistance within each of the CPW branes in superposition.

Cross-section diagram of the front, straight, sections of sixteen superposed CPW branes, along with the CPW fields from which the branes are quantized. This now is a complete particle.


When sixteen CPW branes are superposed together, a new state has formed that has exponentially increased the magnitude of force, which is the first level of measurable density and volume, capable of interaction. This newly formed localized package then propagates forward in correlation-encoded entanglement in a state hereafter defined as a particle. (That means the particle is comprised of sixteen of the ‘localized crinkles’, as designated by the final cloth-folds picture, which are in superposition with each other propagating within the CPW).


Each CPW brane has 6.25% of the total mass of the complete (sixteen CPW brane) particle. But the mass of only one CPW brane is measurable/observable. The rest of the 93.75% of mass of the particle (fifteen CPW branes) is un-measurable but can be deduced by equations. (In the current Standard Model the rest of the un-measurable mass is attributed to an external postulate of Dark Matter).


The particles with all CPW frequencies propagating in one direction are called positive particles. The particles with all CPW frequencies propagating in the opposite direction are called negative particles. The particles that have eight negative and eight positive propagating frequencies (in sequential order of superposition) are called equilibrium particles. Positive and negative particles attract each other. Equilibrium particles attract each other at long distances and repel each other at short distances. While the particles interact with each other, they propagate freely through the CPW fields they are quantized from.


Properties and Mechanics of Particles – summary overview


Without excitations, the CPW propagate freely within a superconductive type state. The mechanism for a CPW particle to come into existence starts with a localized excitation within the CPW being quantized by:

1. Folding into a geometric wave shape. This starts to restrict and constrain the localized package, thereby increasing resistance to the amplitude and velocity of the CPW. This mechanism produces a definitive magnitude of force, which is the first level of measurable mass capable of interaction. 

2. Localized packages of same geometric wave shapes from sixteen fields being superposed into a bound state, then attain the first level of density and volume. This localized package is now a CPW particle.

3. Particles interact with each other, as they propagate freely through the CPW fields they are quantized from.

There are infinite ways the CPW can become disturbed with resonant excitations. Also, the CPW can achieve an infinite variable of geometric wave shapes and types of superposition. But the three hereto stated conditions comprise the sole universal mechanism for the CPW to achieve an interactive matrix capability.


The Standard Model describes wave function dynamics as self-sustaining sine/cosine wave excitations moving through a field of individual systems. But the reality is that wave function dynamics are self-sustaining constrained/superposed wave excitations moving through fields of an ensemble of systems that have correlation encoded entanglement. Einstein would agree since he said "individual systems leads to unnatural theoretical interpretations." 


(Note: To facilitate a more fluid cognitive transition to the UFT model, the UFT terms will be mostly used. But the preponderant terms of proton, neutron and electron will continue to be used as well).


Properties and Mechanics of Atom Particles


A quark is a positive atom particle. An electron is a negative atom particle. A proton is comprised of three positive atom particles (i.e. quarks). A neutron is comprised of three positive atom particles with a negative atom particle (i.e. electron) spinning in between them. The electron is held in place by a 'weak force' attraction to the three positive atom particles that entrap it. This results in the neutron being in an equilibrium state.


Every positive atom particle (i.e. quark) is bound and constrained by a 'strong force' of equilibrium photon particles (i.e. bosons). The equilibrium photon particles mechanism is to propagate forward by circling around the entire positive atom particle in a tight, non-wave, in-line, vortex formation. (Because this propagation formation is a non-wave, it is not measurable/observable). This tight, non-wave, in-line, vortex mechanism forms what will hereafter be defined as a 'strong force membrane' around the positive atom particle. The strong force membrane also forces the wave-tail behind the positive atom particle to fold in tight. Thereby resulting in a completely localized, bound and constrained positive atom particle.


The strong force membranes of positive atom particles attract each other. Then segments of the strong force membranes split-of from three positive atom particles and combine. (This is like the mechanism of splitting of light beams in a 'double refraction'). Through this mechanism the new combined strong force membrane vortex, of equilibrium photon particles, then circles around the three positive atomic particles and pulls them together. (i.e. the bag model of quark confinement). Then that strong force membrane binds and constrains the three positive atom particles inside it to form a proton (or neutron with the additional electron inside). Then the proton/neutron strong force membrane attracts the strong force membrane of other protons/neutrons. Then segments of the strong force membranes split-of from protons/neutrons and combine to form a new strong force membrane that circles around all the protons/neutrons and pulls them together. Then that strong force membrane binds and constrains all the protons/neutrons inside it to form a bigger nucleus.


The electron propagates forward in wave formation and therefore that movement is measurable/observable. The electron is always surrounded by equilibrium photon particles circling around it. Those equilibrium photon particles also propagate forward in a wave formation and their movement/action is measurable as magnetism. This wave formation of circling equilibrium photon particles does not bind or constrain the electron. So the electron is unbound, unconstrained and has the long wave-tail behind it. (All photons also retain their long wave-tail behind them). The electron then is just a vehicle to move the condition of magnetism and acts as "an entirely delocalized resonance of the electromagnetic field." Furthermore the long wave-tail behind it allows it to be a covalent electron and "share comingled existence for thousands of atomic lengths". In special conditions, like in magnets where atoms are specifically aligned, the equilibrium photon particle propagation correlates with that alignment to then be measured as an arranged magnetic field. (The magnet arranges the equilibrium photon particles into a spiral coil wave formation. Then that specific formation only interacts with itself). So the equilibrium photon particles are at the core of both; the strong force surrounding nuclei and the magnetism surrounding electrons. It is simply the formation mechanism that gives the different results for each condition.


(Yes, all the dynamics outlined hereto would be completely impossible under Newtonian classical physics. The irony is that the holdover concepts from classical physics are what would prevent these dynamics from being accepted within quantum mechanics. But in the UFT model, these dynamics work within the Schrodinger framework).


Properties and Mechanics of Gravity


The strong force membranes (of equilibrium photon particles) of each atomic nucleus attract other strong force membranes. This is measured as one aspect of gravity. As more atoms combine together in one area, this results in more strong force membranes to also be in one area, which amplifies their attraction. So the larger the mass of an object, then the greater the gravitational pull coming from that mass solely due to the larger amount of assembled strong force membranes. This aspect of gravitation pull is a correlated but separate condition from mass.

[Note: Gravity and acceleration have an effect of increasing the mass of an atom. The reason is that increased gravity and acceleration tightens the compression/restriction of the strong force membrane. Then the strong force membrane tightens its compression/restriction on the protons and neutrons inside it. This increases the measured mass of the protons and neutrons.]


Properties and Mechanics of Electron Orbit


All electrons orbit the nucleus in one plane (like Saturn rings and solar system planets). But the nucleus of the atom is spinning. So the one-plane orbits of electrons are being spun around, due to a spinning nucleus. This results in a spherical electron cloud.


The circling wave formation of equilibrium photon particles around each electron (i.e. magnetism) repulses the non-wave, in-line vortex formation of equilibrium photon particles (i.e. the strong force membrane) around the nucleus. This repulsion is in the form of a Lorentz force. This repulsion counters the electron to proton attraction. Electron orbit velocity by itself is not enough to counter the electron to proton attraction. Also, this Lorentz force repulsion mechanism keeps the electron spinning in one place, within a diamagnetic type state, inside the neutron. Without the Lorentz force repulsion mechanism, electrons would collide into protons. This mechanism is critical to the stability of the atom.


Properties and Mechanics of Spacetime


Each CPW has a soliton structured, Metered Plane Wave Spacetime field (Metered spacetime or Mspacetime) attached to it as a stratum. But Mspacetime cannot compress like the CPW. Mspacetime has three functions. Mspacetime:


1. Through stratum torque, regulates all the CPW to have the exact same amplitude and velocity. (Without this consistent metered enforcer, all CPW would have their own radically different amplitudes and velocity. Thereby negating the ability to have consistent CPW to form consistent particles). 

2. Gives CPW 'imaginary time' through the metered waves being able to be counted. Thereby giving the CPW mathematical count/time relativity. 

3. Does not compress. Therefore a segment of Mspacetime has to split-of at the specific localized area that CPW starts to fold/compress into a CPW branes of particles. This split-of segment becomes the Dynamic Spiral Coil Spacetime  (Dynamic spacetime or Dspacetime). 


The mechanism of the first two Mspacetime functions is self-explanatory. So more explanation will be given about the mechanism of the third function.

Properties and Mechanics of Dspacetime


Since there are sixteen CPW branes, there are sixteen areas where Dspacetime segment splits-of from the CPW branes. All Dspacetime segments combine in stratum with each other to propagate forward from the atom in the geometric form of a dynamic spiral coil formation. Then that Dspacetime formation only interacts with itself. This is a fractal mechanism copy of the magnetic field. And while the Mspacetime field does not compress, the Dspacetime spiral coil can and does compress. Dspacetime has three functions. Dspacetime:


1. Fills all space between atoms and everywhere between mass objects. Dspacetime continually fills space between mass objects so that the space between mass objects remains consistent so that the cosmos can expand, with increased acceleration, but in a constant isotropic state.

2. Propagates collectively from an atom. In turn, it then collectively propagates from cells, planets, solar systems, galaxies and the cosmos. As Dspacetime is emitted from each entity named, it pushes against the Dspacetime already there surrounding that entity. This forms a Dspacetime membrane around each entity. The Dspacetime membrane is in-part responsible for the conditions currently understood as the; atom orbital shell, cell membrane, earth biosphere, solar system heliosphere, galaxy halo and cosmos event horizon.


3. Torques the Dspacetime membranes of planets and galaxies to spin/orbit. For instance as a thought experiment; if planets and galaxies were to be stopped from spinning/orbiting (like what happens when galaxies collide), Dspacetime would torque them to again restart spinning/orbiting. This makes cosmological systems efficient and stable. So while Dspacetime helps keep solar systems and galaxies together (through Dspacetime membranes), it is also simultaneously pushing them apart with increased acceleration. (In the current Standard Model this is attributed to an external postulate of Dark Energy).

The bigger the mass of a planet, the more Dspacetime emanates from it and the more that mass forms Dspacetime hills and valleys around it. It explains John Wheeler's formulation of: "Space-time tells matter how to move. Matter tells space-time how to curve." (Dspacetime is the interactive field whose mechanism dealing with gravity matches the current concepts about 'spacetime' within the Standard Model).


[Note: When gravity and acceleration increase the restriction/compression on an atom, this also increases the restriction/compression on the Dspactime propagating from that atom. Which means Dspacetime propagates from the atom slower. Hence, the slower 'time' of atomic clocks when they are affected by greater gravity or acceleration. So areas of  'greatest-gravity/acceleration' are also areas of  'least-time'.


Properties and Mechanics of Positive and Negative Photon Particles


Positive photon particles (i.e. neutrinos) have information in them that is used by biological cells. Biological cells have a mechanism to capture positive photon particles propagating through the cell and use them to help maintain the cell's structure for proper function. The essential requirement of biological cells to use positive photon particles is facilitated by the mechanism of positive photon particles being able to go through all matter. That way a biological body can have access to positive photon particles without any direct or indirect access to the sun. This is a critical because biological cells cannot survive without positive photon particles.


Negative photon particles (i.e. photons) have information in them that is used by botanical cells for energy. Botanical cells cannot survive without direct contact with negative photon particles.


Positive and negative photon particles propagate together, in attraction, from the sun in wave formation like a DNA strand. The reason they don't collide is because they are moving at light speed.


[Note: The reason lasers have been found to heal biological cells is not due to the laser's intense concentration of negative photons particles. It is because those negative photon particles capture-in-attraction positive photon particles and direct those positive photon particles at a specific point in the cell. It is the intense concentration of positive photon particles, propagating in attraction with the laser, that heal the biological cell structure. Manipulating positive photon particle propagation is the future of medicine.]


Properties and Mechanics (and purpose) of Antimatter


Antimatter has the positive and negative atom particle's (i.e. quarks and electrons) directional propagation frequencies reversed. The Standard Model is correct in its prediction that there was slightly more matter than antimatter particles at the moment of the big bang. The reason for the existence of so much antimatter particles at the moment of the big bang was specifically to have the dynamic explosive interaction predicted. Atoms within matter have very few mechanisms for natural explosive interactions and in those specific mechanisms, like fusion, are under rigid conditions. (The reason atoms have such strict mechanisms for interactions and non-interactions is for the sole outcome of the atom to remain stable).


So in order to set up the future conditions for life within the cosmos to exist, positive and negative photons had to fill up the cosmos at the moment of the big bang. The mechanism to accomplish this was for antimatter particles to explosively interact with matter particles at the moment of the big bang. This allowed the cosmos to be immediately filled with life-facilitating negative and positive photon particles as a foundation, which was then followed by slow cosmological evolution.


The main role of the small amount of antimatter left now and in the future is to be used like toys in a playground by sentient species to create and control the immense energy needed to facilitate new experiences at a cosmological level.  


Final Insight Overview


  1. All large complex structures, from a skyscraper to a cosmos, must employ fractal mechanism conditions to function effectively.

  2. Within a cosmos: A system of moving particles, atoms and molecules within a biological cell is a fractal mechanism of a system of moving planets, solar systems and galaxies within a cosmological cell.

  3. A system of equilibrium photon particles segments splitting-of to propagate in a spiral coil formation (i.e. magnetic field) is a fractal mechanism of a system of Dspacetime segments splitting-of to propagate in a spiral coil formation.

  4. A system of equilibrium photon particles forming a membrane around a positive atom particle is a fractal mechanism of the system of Dspacetime forming a membrane around matter.

  5. Multiverse Overview There are billions of cosmoses within the multiverse. Each cosmos is a closed system going through a cycle of expansion (Big Bang) and contraction (Big Crunch). Each cosmos has its own physics, meaning the particles of each cosmos can be configured with less or more than the 16 branes. (A macrocosm of how the same process within matter configures each unique snowflake, fingerprint and eyeris). In turn, the different unique configuration of mineral, botanical and biological forms creates unique interactive experiences for life in each cosmos.


None of the references below were used to develop the UFT. They are only given here as evidence to support the new UFT paradigm that was outlined above. Video on how the mind completely dictates the perception of our reality:​talks/donald_hoffman_do_​we_see_reality_as_it_is

Video on a model of how structured processes can come from randomness:​/watch?time_continue=1&v=​k9QYtbjzjAw

There are nascent physics and mathematical concepts being worked on by today's leading physicists that could be slowly evolved into a UFT. Those nascent concepts are currently labeled the "Bootstrap" model. Here is a Quanta magazine article introduction to it:​ using-the-bootstrap-​physicists-uncover-​geometry-​of-theory-space-​20170223

Article on a theoretical neuroscientist who is laying out a mathematical explanation of how consciousness and agency arise:​nature-of-causality-​consciousness

In 1990 the distinguished theoretical physicist John Wheeler coined the phrase "it from bit" to encapsulate a radical new view of the universe that he had been developing over the preceding 20 years: Article on that:​/cws/article/​indepth/2017/jan/05/​decoding-the-​quantum-horizon

In November, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists came together with evolutionary and molecular biologists to talk – and sometimes argue – at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico, the mecca for the science of complex systems. They asked: Just how special is biology? It's hardly surprising that there was no consensus. But one message that emerged very clearly was that, if there's a kind of physics behind biological teleology and agency, it has something to do with the same concept that seems to have become installed at the heart of fundamental physics itself: information. Article on that:​/2017/02/life-death-​spring-disorder. Video on that:


This video explains the quantum paradigm but is using the language of information instead of energy to describe that paradigm:​watch?v=H6HLjpj4Nt4


Memory transfer through RNA:​article/memory-transferred​-between-snails-challenging​-standard-theory-of​-how-the-brain-remembers/


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