Teaching a breakthrough process to
harness creativity and drive innovation
in the new age of A.I.
Open Innovation Source
The ability to harness creativity and drive innovation is now a critical advantage in the hyper-competitive new age of A.I. It is no longer sufficient to just rely on hard skills, improve on average ideas or hope for shot-in-the-dark solutions to succeed. You and your team must have a high-level problem solving and innovation process to source ideas. OIsource defines this process as the ability to ‘Source What’s Next’.

To successfully accomplish this outcome, OIsource created a new breakthrough training called the ITP, which stands for Innovative Thinking Process. The ITP is a demanding mental and writing exercise that uses thought experiments. It enables the participant to intentionally use their intelligence alongside their intuition and emotion to originate, interconnect and validate ideas. With extended use the ITP reaches beyond ideas and actually develops Idea Models. This is the reason breakthrough innovators succeed, because of their skill to develop Idea Models that have the capability to project future disruptive concepts that cannot yet be experienced directly.
Leapfrog the competition and secure your future success with the cutting edge ability to Source What’s Next.