Transforming U.S. Education
With relatively minor adjustments, a schoolteacher from 100 years ago would feel right at home within the modern classroom. Other than replacing books with tablets, there has been little system advancement in over a century. In the past, educational excellence meant providing students equal opportunity to learn information that was not publicly or easily accessible. Today, information is available anywhere and anytime for anyone with Internet access. Information has become a free commodity that no longer has any value in education. Consequently, the process that has to this point been relied upon of forcing students to memorize information and then grading them on how well they regurgitate it is obsolete. Now, memorizing information is mainly needed as a foundation to innovate. That means that the true value in education will reside solely in the process of how students' minds can be engaged to creatively use, assimilate and transform currently available information into innovation. In essence, students need to develop the skill of creativity. (Deeper dive into the skill of creativity). Since this is not happening, the outcome has been a failure to achieve the main tenant of the U.S. Department of Education's mission statement: "…global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence…"
To address this reality, a supplemental system within secondary education is being tried called Project Based Experiential Learning. This new system is absolutely on the right path. It is based on students' interests, with opportunities for real-world immersion and authentic projects to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. But unlike the set process in the old education system, there is no set process in this new education system. So educators will waste generations of students' lives experimenting with bad ideas and wrong processes in the Project Based Experiential Learning system. That will lead to students wasting their time on bad ideas and unproductive outcomes. This is an unavoidable consequence of educators not understanding, any more than the professionals do in the business world, what process will result in students having good ideas and successful outcomes.
For instance, in the business world anywhere from 70% to 95% of new product launches fail. And around 75% of all venture capital backed start-ups fail. The individuals involved in these failures all thought they had great ideas and then invested a lot of time and money to implement them. But clearly there was a disconnect between what they thought about their ideas and the actual prospective of those ideas to achieve a successful outcome.
That is one of the reasons why the ITP (Innovative Thinking Process) Course was created. It is helping professionals in the commercial system just like it can help students in the Project Based Experiential Learning system. So the ITP can teach students the critical skill of creativity and therefore give them a globally competitive advantage. That end result would be the cornerstone of 'global competitiveness' and 'education excellence' in U.S. Education.
Furthermore, with the guidance of the ITP, Project Based Experiential Learning will evolve over the next few decades into a sustainable and scalable system. That new education system will produce breakthrough innovators who will become the leaders in the business, government and military sectors of America. For those interested to understand – now – what that education system will be in the future, full documentation on it can be found at: CreateLEDaccelerator.com.