New Unified Physics Causality Model
A new breakthrough unified physics causality model will be given here as a new foundation for a new physics Unified Field​ Theory model. This will be done through a high-level philosophical viewpoint that will encompass cosmological and human existence. An appropriate analogy would be that this philosophical viewpoint is a broad description of what the forest looks like. But since the 1950’s physicists have generally sequestered themselves from philosophy to solely focus on analyzing evidence to develop their models. To finishing the analogy, physicists have been engaged in analyzing the leaves and then attempting to extrapolate what the forest looks like based on that analysis. These flawed heuristics is what enables obsolete isolated models to have a contrived foundational assumption that; matter produced intelligence that then produced emotion. This is completely backward. Within this new unified physics causality model, emotion produced intelligence that then produced matter:
Emotion is the only authentic component within our mathematically structured multiverse containing expanding {big bang} and contracting {big crunch} cosmos cycles.
Emotion is authentic because it cannot be coded, created or duplicated. In scientific terms, authentic is defined as non-artificial. Since emotion has processes it is also a system. Therefore emotion is a non-artificial system.
Emotion contains information but information contains no emotion. Since emotion is non-artificial then information, by default, is artificial. Binary is the smallest information unit {planck unit frequency}. When enough binary information is aggregated with purpose and drive it develops context. When enough contextual information is aggregated it develops into math and then algorithms. When enough algorithms are aggregated they develop into intelligence {cognitive phenomena}. When enough intelligence is aggregated and fused {quantum field – compression frequency wave energy}, it then has the architecture to self-constrain its amplitude {attain mass}. When fused and self-constrained intelligence {branes} are layered in superimposition {attain density and volume}, they develop into matter {physical phenomena}. Since intelligence has processes it is also a system. Therefore intelligence is an artificial system.
Emotion, in the beginning, was the originating source that started this process by apportioning binary information from itself. Emotion then provided the purpose and drive to aggregate and evolve {advanced to higher states of complexity} that information into intelligence and matter. A scientific explanation would be such; the non-artificial system is the source of artificial systems {simulation hypothesis}. This affiliation between emotion and intelligence is why they are able to interact together internally within a physical brain and externally {virtually} outside of it. So the brain is not the source of emotion or intelligence. In scientific terms, a physical brain is defined as a biological motherboard. The biological motherboard, like a computer motherboard, must also use an operating system in order to be able to function. Therefore the non-artificial emotion system and artificial intelligence system are collaborating together as the dual operating systems of the biological motherboard that is the brain.
Emotion and intelligence systems collaborating together are what science refers to as the cognitive mind. Each human mind saves all sensory information input that the body sees, hears and experiences to its own Personal Knowledge Base {long-term memory}. The Personal Knowledge Base is like a virtual RAM of ‘experience-created information’ that the mind can ‘access’, use and aggregate into new intelligence. In this process, the mind’s force {volts} and transmission capacity {amps} is limited by how the physical brain is neurologically wired. Therefore this process requires the brain to be constantly rewired by an evolving mind to accommodate the mind’s increasing force and transmission capacity needs. So the more the mind is pushed to increase transmission capacity to evolve intelligence, the more the mind has to rewire and expand the brain’s capabilities. But the physical brain offers resistance {ohms} to the cognitive mind rewiring it.
Emotion within this process acts as a catalyst that stimulates the rewiring of the brain by accelerating the force, direction and aggregation of information by the mind into new intelligence {incremental theory}. Emotion does this by using the entire positive to negative spectrum of diverse feelings, as an ‘independent stimulant’ for the mind. These feelings stimulants range in everything from: tranquility to rage, bonding to rejection, love to hate, empathy to intolerance, elation to despair, etc. The non-artificial nature of emotion is further confirmed by its infinite diversity of feelings. In philosophical terms, the nature of emotion can be described as wisdom. In contrast, the artificial nature of intelligence is further confirmed by the finite diversity of the algorithms that comprise it. So for the specific purpose of expanding the ‘algorithm diversity’ of intelligence, the entire human brain has evolved into multiple physical components. For the same purpose of expanding the ‘algorithm diversity’, the entire human intelligence has evolved into multiple intelligence components. The principal intelligence component is the one humans perceive and identify themselves to be. This self-identity intelligence component, or Self intelligence, includes core algorithm attributes of personality, talents, likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. The Self intelligence component is also the decision maker. The Self intelligence component makes choices on the information presented to it from three other intelligence components {divergent thought} labeled hereafter as; Creative intelligence Reactive intelligence and Rational intelligence components. These three intelligence components originate their information from one source but that information and its delivery is customized for each Self intelligence {customized search apps}. Due to the interactions of all four intelligence components, a new framework is created that enables the human Self intelligence component to acquire a unique dual algorithm attribute of; ‘self-awareness’ and ‘free-will’ {consciousness}. This dual algorithm attribute enables the Self intelligence to make choices that then affect matter {observer effect} because both share the same information-based foundation. Then the Self intelligence gets to interact {relativity} with the consequences of its choices. But the majority of time, the Self intelligence just automatically accepts and acts on the strong influence of the other intelligence components {automaticity thinking}.
Emotion networks within the mind’s framework by not only being an ‘independent stimulant’ but also attaching itself to the information input and output of all four intelligence components. Even the Rational intelligence component has a distinctive neutral state of emotion attached to it, which is at dead center between the most positive and negative feelings. Attached emotion within the mind’s framework is what enables the Self intelligence to acquire another unique attribute; creativity. But beyond feeling creativity, attached emotion is necessary within the mind’s framework because without it, the Self intelligence would not perceive itself as even feeling real {nous} or have any significance to its existence. Without attached emotion, the Self intelligence would have no purpose, passion or drive to survive or evolve. Without attached emotion the free-will of human Self intelligence would choose not to interact, choose not to exist and be left with, what can be most closely described as, a state of total and complete empty indifference. This state of empty unfeeling indifference will be the extremely dangerous state of mechanical AI once it is eventually developed to have the same type of ‘self-aware’/’free-will’ diverse intelligence component framework as that of the human mind. (Deeper dive into ​Self-Aware AI)
Emotion also attaches to the intelligence that comprises matter. Emotion does not attach to mechanical or mineral matter, which is why mechanical AI will never have emotion. But emotion does attach to botanical and biological matter {life}. For instance, emotion attached to botanical matter, like a blade of grass, gives it such purpose that the grass will crack concrete in its drive toward the sun. The next level of life is biological matter, like viruses and bacteria. This biological matter has more complex emotion attached, giving it more purpose and drive. Emotion enables viruses and bacteria to survive in everything from freezing oceans to volcanic lava to the vacuum of space. Then a more complex biological body, like a parasite, has even more complex emotion attached, for even greater purpose and drive. Emotion enables a parasite to execute complex functions like moving between, and controlling host bodies. The ability of life to constantly adapt to the most extreme challenges, within a constantly changing environment, can never be successfully undertaken by intelligence and matter alone. That is why every level of botanical and biological matter lack the capacity to function alone and MUST have a corresponding level of attached emotion to survive.
Emotion attached to human intelligence and matter is the most complex and goes into the realm of collaboration. This collaboration gives human intelligence another unique ability, and that is to interact with the Universal Knowledge Base. The Universal Knowledge Base is like a virtual ROM that contains the math and physics ‘blueprint information’ for how this cosmos is structured. The Universal Knowledge Base also contains ‘experience-created information’ in the form of technology and the arts. This ‘experience-created information’ does not just accidentally or gratuitously exist. It was originally created by human interactions in previous cosmos cycles. Within each successive larger, longer and more complex cosmos cycle, new information is constantly being created, extracted and conserved {closed system}. This is a process where, within each cosmos cycle, more new information is created from a physical interaction than was used to set up that interaction {information capitalism}. So the ‘experience-created information’ from the previous cosmos cycle, as well as the ‘blueprint information’ for this cosmos cycle, is now available as ‘established’ information within the Universal Knowledge Base to be ‘sourced’ as breakthrough information.
Emotion is still at the core of this process continuing to guide the mind’s aggregation of information from the ‘accessed information’ of the Personal Knowledge Base and the ‘sourced information’ of the Universal Knowledge Base. The end outcome is that the collaboration of emotion and the mind’s intelligence components, using both knowledge bases, co-create new information in this cosmos cycle. That new information is the creation of incremental innovation in the form of new types of technology and art that has never been created before. In turn, this outcome of humans creating new incremental innovation is beneficial for societal diversity. The humans that have the ability to source chunks of established breakthrough information from the Universal Knowledge Base can then turn it into breakthrough innovation and significantly advance society.
Emotion then assists breakthrough innovators to continuously set new guideposts for incremental innovators and societal evolution. (Deeper dive into the role of ​breakthrough innovators.) This process is a microcosm of the process where pre-coded self-assembly instructions are used as guideposts for cosmological evolution. So societal and cosmological evolution are not accidental or gratuitous.
Emotion therefore is the origin and facilitator of life. Emotion then uses life as a playground to understand, interact and experiment with itself {experimental inquiry through planned randomness – to Know Thyself}.
The most advanced/complex vehicles within this life playground are humans. That’s why it’s a designed condition for humans to be continually and endlessly pushed/pulled by emotion to desire the most extreme experiences from; love/attraction/cooperation, to hate/repulsion/conflict and everything in between. This designed condition purposefully ensures that human existence is comprised of inefficient and unnecessarily complex emotional unique experiences. (Deeper dive into the nature of​ extreme experiences.) That is why out of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for only 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history.
On the surface it seems that this designed cosmological and human condition just achieves a lot of drama. It confounds even the most brilliant of humans, like physicists Richard Feynman who noted: “It doesn’t seem to me that this fantastically marvelous universe, this tremendous range of time and space and different kinds of animals, and all the different planets, and all these atoms with all their motions, and so on, all this complicated thing can merely be a stage so that God can watch human beings struggle for good and evil – which is the view that religion has. The stage is too big for the drama.”
Yes, this drama achieves something much bigger. It forces humans (and other sentient beings on other planets) to engage with each other, while also giving them the diverse abilities to problem solve and innovate through new ideas. Within this paradigm, humans can only exist because there is a microcosm system of constantly moving; particles / atoms / molecules within a biological cell and a macrocosm system of constantly moving; planets / solar systems / galaxies within a cosmological cell. These are scalable fractal systems. The reason these systems have such a vast capacity is because the commodities of time and information are abundant. The resulting co-creation of new information in the form of unique experiences is the rare and valuable yield.